Training A Dog At Home

Mostly we prefer dog as a pet. When we  have a puppy at home, we love to play with him and watch him playing around and running here and there. But it becomes difficult when you have to clean mess created by him. The best dog training advice to a dog lover is that he should train his pet while he or she is still a puppy. Usually we love to see our simple commands followed by our dog like sit, stand, rollover, stay or go.
To train a puppy is easy and it can be done quickly. They can be molded and trained according to our own wishes. There is lesser tendency to develop bad habits in the dog that is trained as a puppy. We can say that a puppy is similar to a young child who follows what it is told to do. It can easily adapt certain routines.

The dog trainers can easily train your dog and mold your puppy but it is more ideal to train your puppy at home. The most important thing which should be kept in mind while training the puppy is that your puppy should undergo some obedience training. This will help your pet to behave well. This will help you to make your pet less aggressive.
While training our dog we should correct our dogs when they make mistakes. This will make them to avoid that mistake again. Try to treat them politely and say in stern manner. you should not punish your dog severely. Punishments given harshly can produce aggressive behavior in your pets in long run. When your dog commits a mistake, it is advised not to pay any attention to him. Every dog wants attention, every time your dog goes wrong you should just ignore him. This will make him go crazy making him not to do that again.
You should also make surer that you are not training your dog just randomly. You should follow a proper routine and should get some training manual. If you can access the dog training classes, that would be even better. You will be taught many things about the complicated dog behavior in those classes. After having gone through those classes, you will be able to train you dog better. You will be able to understand your dog and you will become even a better dog trainer for your own dog.
Also make sure that you are paying attention to the needs of your dog. Your dog will learn the things faster if you are not ignoring him. Do reward him when ever he does the things the way you want him to do. This will encourage him and you will be finding it easy to train you puppy.


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