Spending time with your dog at a dog park may seem ideal, however, there is often a lot more other thing happened at the park. There are actually several occasion that your dog could become injured.  Here are 10 possible ways that a dog park could be dangerous to your dog:

1.     Sharing treats with other dogs

While sharing treats can be a kind gesture, if your dog has allergies, you need to watch him closely. You want to be sure that another dog owner doesn’t slip him a treat without asking your permission. Depending on the severity of your dog’s allergy, he or she could end up becoming quite ill.

2.     Attacks by larger, more aggressive dogs

Dog parks consist of dogs of all breeds, sizes and temperaments. Regardless of the size or breed of your dog, a more aggressive breed could intimidate and even attack your dog 

3.     Contagious illnesses

Chances are you would never believe that you need to head to the vet for immunizations just to be able to spend time at the local dog park. However, many pet owners aren’t concerned about your dog and may bring their dogs when they have contagious illnesses. Beware! 

4.     Escape routes

Fences that are in need of repair could pose a danger. There may be an opening just large enough for your dog to squeeze through, especially if he or she is an escape artist. 
5.     Sharp objects
You might want to carefully search the park before allowing Rover to run loose. There could be sharp objects that could cause your furry friend to become injured on or even impaled. 

6.     Poison

You are undoubtedly aware that dogs will scarf down just about anything that could be even remotely edible. There have been reported cases of disturbed individuals leaving enticing food items at dog parks that have been laced with poison. Keep Rover in sight at all times! 

7.     Fleas & ticks

Not all pet owners are responsible enough to rid their dogs of fleas and ticks before allowing them to hang out at dog parks. Take caution and make sure that you administer regular preventatives to your pooch. 

8.     Contaminated communal water bowls

You certainly don’t want your dog catching a nasty intestinal infection or other illness by drinking from a contaminated shared water dish. Be sure your bring water so Fido won’t go thirsty. 

9.     Unspayed and unneutered dogs

If your female dog has not been spayed, then you might want to think twice about taking her to a dog park. She could be in heat without your knowledge, which could attract unwanted male dogs that could quickly mount her before you can react.  This could leave her with nasty STDs. 

10.     Children

Not many people would expect an innocent child to pose a threat to a dog. However, some children don’t know the proper way to play with dogs and may cause Fido harm or provoke him to bite when he normally wouldn’t.

Many dog owners believe a dog park is the safest place for dogs to run freely while playing and exercising. Despite the fact that dog parks are supposedly safe, there is the possibility of your dog encountering various dangers. If you own your own home, you might want to fence in the backyard so your dog can run freely while remaining safe. If this isn’t a possibility, or you insist on going to the local dog park anyway, then you need to ensure that you closely monitor your dog to maintain his safety.

Tips On How To Train Your Dog Dog Really Fast

Truth be told you are going to have to work harder than you have ever done before in order to train your dog successfully! I am telling you 99% people are just not capable of actually putting in the amount of hard work that is needed to train up their dogs. Believe me the only way to see phenomenal results that people are going to admire is to actually work your hair off on a day to day basis! Believe me patience is the most important skill that you can work to develop if you want to train your dog properly. My business is hinting right now that housetraining a puppy is simple when you're conscious just what you are doing.
There is no doubt in my mind that if you are lazy then you are just going to end up failing so you should not bother trying to train your dog. Please just stop reading right now if you are a lazy individual. Hard work is the core of all the obedient dogs that you see out there. Don't you think for a moment that people who have well trained dogs have done it by wishing for it!
I am telling you right now that the most important aspect of actually being able to train your puppy successfully is actually getting out there and becoming a more patient person. At the end of the day your dog is just a dog, so you need to be extremely patient until he understands what you are trying to teach him. Teaching him one thing at at time is going to require that you are really patient. This is going to be frustrating at times but believe me if you are able to stick it out you will see results!
The next thing you must develop is a level of consistency. Daily effort with your puppy dog will ensure that you will see amazing results. Believe me if you are not putting in the daily effort then you are going to fail in terms of teaching your dog anything. If you are actually looking to see results in the near future then you must apply what I've just told you.
Believe me I really and truly think that if you want to see success with your dog then you are going to have to go to your local bookshop and learn everything there is about this subject matter. I will tell you right now to go to your local bookshop and grab all the books that you can on the topic of training dogs. Then spend the next few weeks just studying everything you can on dog training. Believe me no matter how mundane of a task this is you must do it if you actually want to successfully train your dog.
Believe me I am telling you from experience that all you need to do in order to see success with your dogs is to just follow the advice that I've given you here! I am telling you take it slowly and enjoy the process. Remain patience and consistent and believe me you are going to see amazing results in no time. Trust me the world is going to wonder how you managed to make your dog so obedient. You are going to smile in joy.