Best lap dogs

Miki Dog Breed (Mi-Ki)

Brief History

The Mi-Ki, as a breed, has been split between a few different clubs. These clubs are setting their own standards and the dog is quickly becoming very different from club to club, but all still have the same name, Mi-Ki. There are different theories to the origin of the Miki dog breed.

According to the Mi-Ki™ Club of America, Inc., the Mi-Ki is thought to be Asian. The timeframe of when this tiny toy dog is said to have appeared in the U.S. is approximately during the 1980s. It shares common ancestors with the Papillon, the Maltese, and the Japanese Chin. Unfortunately the cloudy history of the Mi-Ki makes it impossible to tell the percentage of each breed in its makeup. The Mi-Ki was recognized by the States Kennel Club in 1995. 

According to the IMR, the Mi-Ki is a new breed started in the late 1980s by a woman who went by the name of Micki Mackin, among others. She resided in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its suburbs. She started developing a strain of small dogs from the Papillon, Japanese Chin, Maltese and the small Shih Tzu and in 1993 there was a Papillon / Yorkshire Terrier mix stud that she introduced to some of the females. Unfortunately, she did not keep accurate records, so the degree of mixture or combination of the breeds used is not known. Some credit Micki Mackin with the use of her name when she called the little dogs Mi-Kis (pronounced Mee-Kee). The International Mi-Ki Registry proclaims to be the Developing Founder. The IMR has taken that strain and through a strict breeding program, including DNA profiling through the United Kennel Club, Inc., is developing and refining the Mi-Ki into a new "made in USA" pure breed.


Mi-Ki is pronounced Me-Key. It has a small "apple domed" head (the International Mi-Ki Registry's Mi-Ki heads are rounded, but not domed.) It has a short, wide muzzle with a well-defined stop (the region where the muzzle joins the skull); a muzzle that is pushed in or long and narrow are considered major faults. The muzzle length varies from 1/2 inch in length to 1 1/2 inches. The teeth are level to slightly under-shot. The eyes are large, round and set well apart; dark is most desirable, but blue with a blue-colored coat and brown or ruby with a brown-colored coat are acceptable. The nose is medium in size and flat on top with wide nostrils, never pinched. Generally, the nose is black but can be self-colored on brown or lighter coated dogs. The ears are very mobile! The Mi-Ki ears can be carried erect or dropped. Both ear types are capable of "winging" their ears when extremely excited. Ears must be feathered. The neck is of medium length, and should never appear short or thick. Although the Mi-Ki appears cobby, the body is slightly longer than the height, measured at the shoulders. The back line is straight and level. The chest is of medium depth. The ribs are well sprung. The forequarters have a well-developed shoulder that is laid back to allow freedom of movement. The forelegs are always straight and never bowed. Feathering must be present. The hind legs are parallel when viewed from behind. Dewclaws are usually removed, however some clubs state leaving the front dewclaws is optional. The feet are hare-like in shape, thin and elongated.  All four feet must be shaved. When relaxed, the front feet may turn slightly outwards. The feet are dainty and slightly webbed. The tail is set high, carried gaily and well arched over the body with fringing. There are two coat types, smooth and long. The smooth coat lies close to the body and skull with no presence of a beard or mustache on the face, and has short fringing on the ears and on the front and rear legs and the tail. The long coat is fine, silky and straight, with long feathering on the ears and on the front and rear legs, and on the tail. The long-coated Mi-Ki may have a beard and mustache and must have a neatly shaved head. All colors are acceptable, including dilute colors. Solid colors are rare and highly prized. The gait should be light and smooth with a free-flowing action and when viewed from the front or rear should be straight and true. The general appearance should be one of elegance and grace, with long, silky non-shedding hair.


The Mi-Ki is intelligent, calm, sweet natured, affectionate and its activity level is low to moderate. Friendly and alert, making an excellent companion to the handicapped, it is laid back and seldom barks. Some also make a sound much like a yodel or a type of joyful twittering. This breed possesses a high degree of intelligence, making it a top candidate for the obedience ring. They love to be around people, and readily accept strangers. The Mi-Ki has a very even temperament, which makes it an ideal therapy dog. The Mi-Ki loves kids. The Mi-Ki enjoys sunning on a window sill and washing itself like a cat. In fact, one Mi-Ki raised an entire litter of abandoned kittens. The Mi-Ki is not aggressive, nor is it intimidated by dogs. This same female who raised the litter of kittens also raised a litter of five Lamalese puppies. By the time these pups were four weeks old they were almost as big as the Mi-Ki. The Mi-Ki is extremely social and catlike in its mannerisms. It is such an adaptable little dog that many people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to have a pet find they can indeed have a Mi-Ki. The Mi-Ki can climb much like one of its ancestors, the Japanese Chin, and act catlike as it pounces on, chases and swats at its toys or playmates. They are easy to train and seem eager to adapt to your lifestyle. Make sure you are this dog's firm, confident, consistent pack leader to avoid Small Dog Syndrome, human induced behavior problems. When dogs are allowed to be pack leader to humans they can develop many types of behavior issues, including, but not limited to, being suspicious of and barking at strangers, guarding, separation anxiety, destructiveness, snapping, and even biting. These are NOT Mi-Ki traits, but rather behaviors resulting from a lack of leadership on the humans’ part. Always remember, dogs are canines, not humans. Be sure to meet their natural instincts as animals. They need rules to follow, limits as to what they are and are not allowed to do and a firm, consistent, confident pack leader, along with daily mental and physical exercise.


Height: 10 - 11 inches (25 - 28 cm)
Weight: up to 10 pounds (5 kg)


For pets, use a wire comb once a week to remove dead hair. Bathe only when necessary. The show cut for a Mi-Ki is very distinct. The head, neck and ears are all shaven. The head shaving extends from the base of the skull to the base of the throat. The feet and legs are also shaven to the pastern. The shaving of the legs includes the dewclaws. It is also necessary to remove the hair from between the toes and around the pads. The reason for this cut is to reduce the risk of health problems. The Mi-Ki sheds little to no hair.

Husky dogs (Siberian Huskies)

Brief History

Siberian Huskies were used for centuries by the Chukchi Tribe, off the eastern Siberian peninsula to pull sleds, herd reindeer and as a watchdog. They were perfect working dogs for the harsh Siberian conditions: hardy, able to integrate into small packs, and quite happy to work for hours on end. The dogs have great stamina and are lightweight. Native to Siberia, the Husky was brought to Alaska by fur traders in Malamute for Arctic races because of their great speed. In 1908 Siberian Huskies were used for the first All-Alaskan Sweepstakes, an event where mushers take their dogs on a 408-mile long dogsled race. The dogs gained popularity in 1925 when there was a diphtheria epidemic in Nome, Alaska. Siberian Huskies were used to bring in the much needed medicine to the people. In the early to mid-1900s Admiral Byrd used the dogs in his Antarctic Expeditions. During World War II the dogs served on the Army’s Arctic Search and Rescue Unit. The Siberian Husky’s talents are sledding, carting and racing. The Siberian Husky was recognized by the AKC in 1930


Siberian Huskies are strong, compact, working sled dogs. The medium-sized head is in proportion to the body, with a muzzle that is equal in length to the skull, with a well-defined stop. The color of the nose depends upon the color of the dog's coat. It is black in gray, tan or black dogs, liver in copper dogs and flesh-colored in pure white dogs. The medium-sized, oval-shaped eyes are moderately spaced and come in blue, brown, amber or any combination thereof. Eyes can be half blue and half brown (parti-eyed), or dogs can have one blue eye and one brown eye (bi-eyed). The erect ears are triangular in shape, and set high up on the head. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. The tail is carried over the back in a sickle curve, not curved to either side when the dog is excited. The large "snow shoe" feet have hair between the toes to help keep them warm and for gripping on ice. Dewclaws are sometimes removed. The medium-length, double coat is thick and can withstand temperatures as low as -58° to -76° F (-50° to -60° C). The coat also comes in a longhaired variety called a wooly coat. The wooly (sometimes spelled woolly or wooley) coat length comes from a resessive gene and is not in most of the kennel club's written standard. Coat colors include all, from black to pure white, with or without markings on the head. The face mask and underbody are usually white, and the remaining coat any color. Examples of common colors are black and white, red and white, brown, gray and white, silver, wolf-gray, sable and white, red-orange with black tips, dark gray and white. Piebald is a very common coat pattern.


Siberian Huskies are loving, gentle, playful, happy-go-lucky dogs that are fond of their families. Keen, docile, social, relaxed and rather casual, this is a high-energy dog, especially when young. Good with children and friendly with strangers, they are not watchdogs, for they bark little and love everyone.  Huskies are very intelligent and trainable, but they will only obey a command if they see the human is stronger minded than themselves. If the handler does not display leadership, they will not see the point in obeying. Training takes patience, consistency and an understanding of the Arctic dog character. If you are not this dog’s 100% firm, confident, consistent pack leader, he will take advantage, becoming willful and mischievous. Huskies make an excellent jogging companion, as long as it is not too hot. Huskies may be difficult to housebreak. This breed likes to howl and gets bored easily. Does not do well if left alone  for a long period of time without a great deal of exercise beforehand. A lonely Husky, or a Husky that does not get enough mental and physical exercise can be very destructive. Remember that the Husky is a sled dog in heart and soul. It is good with other pets if raised with them from puppyhood. Huskies are thrifty eaters and need less food than you might expect. This breed likes to roam. Siberian Huskies can make wonderful companions for people who are aware of what to expect from these beautiful and intelligent animals and are willing to put the time and energy into them.



Males 21 - 23½ inches (53 - 60 cm) 
Females 20 - 22 inches (51 - 56 cm)


Males 45 - 60 pounds (20 - 27 kg) 
Females 35 - 50 pounds (16 - 22½ kg)


The coat sheds heavily twice a year. During that time they need to be brushed and combed daily.