How to Socialise Your Puppy

If you have welcomed a puppy into your home and want to ensure he turns into a happy, well adjusted, friendly dog, then it is crucial you take the steps to determine how to socialise your puppy, then implement them immediately.
What does socialising mean?
It means exposing him to as many different sights, sounds, people, experiences, and environments as you can.
Why is it so important?
It's not enough for him to get used to the people, and other goings on in your own home. He has to be exposed to "life" or he will be anxious, stressed and frightened once he steps outside your front door. That translates into a poor quality of life for him, and possible serious behaviour problems such as aggression. We all know how that story ends don't we? The dog is dumped at a shelter, and most likely killed.
When should I start?
There are some differences of opinion when it comes to the exact age, but the consensus seems to be as much before 14 weeks of age, as possible. After that, puppies tend to approach new things with some hesitation, so as I said, the sooner the better.
Don't worry if your puppy is older than that, you still have to socialise him, it just might take a bit more time and patience.
Your puppy should have his shots before meeting other dogs, so speak to your vet about that. There are plenty of other things to introduce him to, if doggie introductions are on hold.
How do I do it? Who do we meet?
Take your puppy out and about, but don't overwhelm him by exposing him to too many new things at once.
The list is pretty much endless, of what, and who, you can expose your puppy to. Don't stress, thinking you have to meet everyone, and experience everything immediately.
Here are some examples to give you a better idea.
men, women, babies, screaming kids, the elderly, mailman, people in wheelchairs and on bicycles, strollers, rollerbladers
dogs, puppies cats, horses (don't leave him unattended)
car rides, groomer, brushing
walking on different surfaces such as wood, sand, tile, carpet
luggage, broom, wheelbarrows, cars, motorcycles
going to the vet, beach, crowded sidewalks, outdoor cafes, farmers' markets, pet supply store, dog park,
thunder, music, tv, vacuum cleaner, sirens
I hope you found these tips on how to socialise your puppy helpful.


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