You may think you know everything about dogs, but we bet there are 5 interesting facts about dogs that you may not know. Do you want to find out what those facts are? If so, continue to read the rest of this article.
1. Dogs can understand many words and gestures - You probably already know that dogs can understand so many different words and gestures. What you may not know is just how many they are able to understand. So how many gestures and words can they understand? They have the ability to understand more than 200, which is a lot.
2. Many dogs live in America - America may not be the biggest country in the world, in terms of landmass, but they are home to the most dogs. That may not surprise you, but what might is that France comes second. That's right, France is home to more dogs than many larger countries.
3. Dogs' ears are very muscular - When you look at a dog's ear, you might not be able to tell, but they are very muscular. Not necessarily in size, but in terms of the amount of muscle. What we are trying to say is that dogs ears contain double the muscle than humans' ears.
4. Greyhounds run very fast - Greyhound dogs can run very fast, and that is why there is Greyhound racing. This is really not a secret, but do you know just how fast they can run? Try up to 45mph, which is almost as fast as some speed limits set on many roadways. Dogs run fast in general, but Greyhounds are the quickest dogs in the world, so if you ever get a Greyhound for a pet, make sure you have plenty of land because they love to run.
5. Dogs aren't colorblind - Many people assume that dogs are colorblind, and they believe that all dogs see in black and white. However, the fact is that dogs are not actually colorblind. Dogs can detect color, but it is just not as vivid as humans' vision.
There are many other interesting facts out there that you might not know about dogs. However, the five that were discussed above are some of the facts that people rarely know about dogs. The five facts talked about in the article might help you have a better understanding of dogs, or some of the facts may have even answered some questions you didn't have the answers to.
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